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From the August 1952 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The unfoldment of spiritual ideas, universally understood in relation to divine Mind, would supply the needs of men and nations and establish peace for all mankind. In pondering the perishable and destructible nature of the physical universe, mankind through the ages have mournfully discoursed on the subject. Notwithstanding, the world largely continues its unsatisfying labor for subsistence through the acquisition of material things, while considering the things of Spirit, God, as separate from substance, indeed insubstantial. From this limited concept of substance, which embodies the doctrine of insufficiency, have come the ingredients of war and division.

Now through Christian Science, which reveals the spiritually mental nature of all things real, and their inexhaustible source as the infinite Mind called God, well-being and freedom from want are available to all mankind. Christian Science, set forth by Mary Baker Eddy in the textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," explains with logical and understandable reasoning that the things of Spirit, unfolding to the human consciousness as harmonious ideas, alone are real and enduringly substantial, while the material, unintelligent thoughts of mortals, embracing discord and limitation, are unreal, however solid they may seem to the prevailing modes of thought. Regardless of the controversy stirred by the discovery of Christian Science, its verity has been grasped and proved by large numbers who are students of its textbook, the study of which has resulted in the healing of sickness and the overcoming of sin and poverty.

In her textbook Mrs. Eddy declares (p. 262): "Every concept which seems to begin with the brain begins falsely. Divine Mind is the only cause or Principle of existence. Cause does not exist in matter, in mortal mind, or in physical forms." Christian Science, teaching that God, or Spirit, is Mind, reveals Him as the source and origin of all intelligence. It reveals Mind as infinite good, omniaction, and this action as the eternal, unlabored unfolding of Truth. It further teaches the correlated and saving fact of divine Mind's oneness and allness, thereby precluding the possibility of intelligence deriving from millions of conflicting minds, each with its own selfish will. Since the supposed introduction of the Adam concept of mankind having a mind and intelligence separate from God, the thoughts emanating from the thinking of mortals have produced only limitation and thus strife. However, Job had seen something of the nature of God as Mind when we find him saying of God (23:13), "He is in one mind, and who can turn him?"

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