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From the October 1954 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Is someone believing that something necessary for his happiness and well-being has been lost far beyond the possibility of retrievement? Or is he accepting the belief that he is being victimized by some inexorable lack? He no longer need be mesmerized by these arguments of mortal mind, but can return to his Father's house, the Christ-consciousness, and find what has in reality never been lost. He can accept the glorious imitation with its promise as given by Christ Jesus (Matt. 11:28), "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give yon rest."

Christian Science has come to arouse mankind to the glorious fact—contrary to the evidence of the material senses—that in God's ever-present kingdom nothing is ever lost, but everything is forever founded upon the rock of unvarying Truth. Losing and finding material things are only a part of the impermanence of mortal existence, governed by no mind and supported by no laws. Mary Baker Eddy, in our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," tells us (p. 264), "When we realize that Life is Spirit, never in nor of matter, this understanding will expand into self-completeness, finding all in God, good, and needing no other consciousness."

Our first step in working out a problem in Christian Science is to go in our thinking to the starting point, recognizing God as the All-in-all. He is the Principle of His universe of ideas, the only Mind, the only substance; and His laws are the only laws. He is omnipotent, governing all and including all in the harmonious activity of His all-inclusive being. He fills all space, and this precludes the belief that there can be room for another creation, power, substance, or intelligence.

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