Scientific healing prayer in Christian Science, or what is termed a Christian Science treatment, is the bearing witness to the truth of being in one's consciousness. It is communing with God in the calm and clear realization of Immanuel, "God with us," knowing and proving that which is divinely real. A Christian Science treatment casts out fear and brings the light which is Christ to the human consciousness. The result is seen in the demonstration of Love's potency in the healing of all manner of fleshly ills.
It is truly significant that the method of healing as practiced by the blessed Master, Christ Jesus, is exactly the same as that employed by our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy. Often the Master was called upon to assuage grief and mental anguish, or to comfort those who were in the throes of some physical difficulty, and there always followed the healing of whatever appeared as a sick man, or a sinner, or a dead man. The evil was cast out—with never a failure.
No sweeter or more comforting words ever went forth from the Master to those to whom he ministered than these: "Be not afraid." Whether to assure the ruler of the synagogue that his daughter was not dead or to encourage those fearful disciples in their small craft battling with the winds and waves, those powerful words were always immediately effective. It is recorded that even upon the mount of transfiguration —where Peter, James, and John had accompanied the blessed Master, and where one would think there would have been no occasion to fear—when the disciples heard the benediction (Matt. 17:5), "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased," they fell on their faces in great terror. Again the Master reassured them; he touched them and exclaimed, "Arise, and be not afraid." Herein is the secret of all healing. It is indeed the divine fiat of the Christ which speaks to human thought and obliterates the darkened sense with the light. And fear is felt no more, because thought is lifted to discern only the truth of being, or divine reality.