Paul's statement (I Cor. 3:6), "I have planted. Apollos watered; but God gave the increase," can be considered in connection with Christian Science lecture activity. We may think of the lecturer as planting the seed; that is, through his address he imparts spiritual, scientific truths to his listeners. The church members, through careful metaphysical work and loving, conscientious participation in church affairs, both before and after a lecture, may be said to cultivate and water the soil, making conditions propitious for the propagation of the seed. Then God, omnipresent Truth and Love, gives the increase, causes the spiritual ideas presented by the lecturer to take root in the receptive consciousness and bear fruit.
Since a Christian Science lecture is primarily a spiritual activity, possessing the attraction of Spirit, we can know that it is not dependent on material conditions, nor affected by them. When this spiritual fact is realized, we will not fear that inclement weather or counterattractions can interfere with the effectiveness of the lecture. A Christian Science lecture is the most important event taking place in the community at the time it is given and should be seen as having an irresistible appeal for those who are ready to turn to Christian Science for healing. Christ Jesus assured us (Matt. 5:6), "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."
While one should expect the hall or church in which a Christian Science lecture is given to be full, one should also remember that the spiritual receptivity of the audience is of first importance. The spiritual good resulting from a lecture is not always materially tangible or immediately apparent. But since God, unerring Mind, is responsible for the increase or fruitage, healing is to be expected.