This testimony is given as an expression of my love for God and Christian Science. It has been my privilege to know this Science all my life. What a blessing it is to have the knowledge of man as God made him and to know God as one's only physician. divine Mind as one's only medicine.
When I was eleven years old, I became ill with a nervous disorder. My family called a practitioner, who lovingly took up the work. He made numerous calls on me. which uplifted me greatly, but when the condition did not yield I was called upon to study the truth for myself. Pages 392 and 393 of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy were most helpful, and I read them over and over. In particular, these words helped me (p. 393): "Take possession of your body, and govern its feeling and action." The answer to the question, "What is man?" (pp. 475-477) was of much benefit also.
At first I was unable to sleep. My grandmother, my sister, and I would repeat aloud "the scientific statement of being" (ibid., p. 468), the twenty-third Psalm, the words of Mrs. Eddy's hymns, the Lord's Prayer with its spiritual interpretation by Mrs. Eddy (Science and Health, pp. 16, 17), and the "Daily Prayer," which she gives us in the Manual of The Mother Church (Art. VIII. Sect. 4). Before long I was able to sleep.