We are living in momentous times, in a period of unrest, of upheaval—in an age when there is a crumbling away of beliefs and habits which for centuries have held sway over humanity. Faith in matter, in material thinking, and in material existence is gradually disappearing. Through Mary Baker Eddy's discovery of Christian Science, human thinking is emerging from its self-imposed bondage.
Christian Science is leading humanity out of aggressive suggestions of life, power, and intelligence in matter, to the recognition of Spirit as the first and only cause of all that is. This awakening is going on along all lines of human thinking. At times there may seem to be chaos, fear, or despair; but often this upheaval is the result of Truth's uprooting of false beliefs, bringing them to the surface. The light of Truth uncovers the dark images in mortal thought in order that their unreality may be seen and proved.
Truth did not begin being true on a certain day or at a certain time. Truth always is, and always has been, and there is no place for anything else in the entire universe. Prayer in Christian Science does not create Truth, does not bring Truth anywhere, does not cause Truth to act. Christianly scientific prayer dispels erroneous beliefs and false suggestions and thus reveals Truth. For instance, what is seen as the healing of a disease or of an inharmonious condition is primarily the elimination of a false belief—the belief that there is or ever has been a sick man or an inharmonious condition in God's universe. Healing evidences the coming to light of Truth, of that which has always existed and is actually present here and now.