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From the June 1955 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Jesus must have foreseen the troublous times that we seem to be passing through and also the signs which indicate the coming of the Prince of Peace and the reign of righteousness on earth when he said (Luke 21:28), "When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh."

How grateful we are that Christian Science is here to awaken mankind to the glorious fact that God and His universe, including man, are indestructible and eternal. Because of world chemicalization, we hear much about the possibility of civilization being destroyed by atomic weapons. And this conclusion is accepted by many because men believe that matter is real and substantial and that man is a mortal, vulnerable to destruction and subject to change and death. The human body, like all things material, is a figment of the carnal mind embraced in this fleshly mind, and not something outside of it. Matter, the substratum of mortal mind, is the medium through which this mind claims to enjoy or suffer. Matter is believed to hold the issues of life and death, and mortals and mortality are held as an inevitable combination.

The man of God's creating is the expression of God, His individualized idea, never born into matter or subject to death, but the very image and likeness of eternal Mind. In her work "No and Yes" Mary Baker Eddy states (p. 11): "Man has an immortal Soul, a divine Principle, and an eternal being. Man has perpetual individuality; and God's laws, and their intelligent and harmonious action, constitute his individuality in the Science of Soul."

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