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From the July 1956 issue of The Christian Science Journal

There are many duties to which the members of The Mother Church should be alert, and individually considered, all are indispensable. But first and foremost of them is the obligation to pray. Every unfoldment of Truth that comes to one through his study of Christian Science increases the effectiveness of his prayers. Indeed, it is prayer that gives divine impulsion and activity to his understanding of Truth, and without prayer there is little effectiveness to his work as a Christian Scientist.

Through divine revelation Mary Baker Eddy, the beloved Leader of the Christian Science movement, discovered how the truths of her teachings were to be applied in scientific, systematic, comprehensive prayer. From this statement it is not to be assumed that such prayer is complicated or difficult. On the contrary, the logic of such prayer is simple and direct and is readily grasped and found practicable by the newest student of Christian Science.

That prayer is a daily duty of the Christian Scientist is emphasized many times by Mrs. Eddy. She says in "Miscellaneous Writings" (p.127), "One thing I have greatly desired, and again earnestly request, namely, that Christian Scientists, here and elsewhere, pray daily for themselves; not verbally, nor on bended knee, but mentally, meekly, and importunately." So the dutiful Christian Scientist prays daily. He prays for himself, and he prays for all mankind. He has learned that more potent than any so-called material force in the world is the power of prayer based on spiritual understanding. He also knows that no form of aggressive mental suggestion or human argument can annul or reverse his prayers. With this conviction he goes forth to battle with all manner of human discords. He faithfully employs his Leader's God-given system of prayer, confident of its power to bless, to protect, and to heal.

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