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From the June 1957 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In many progressive industrial organizations there is an important department called "Quality Control." The purpose of this department is to maintain a constant control of the perfection of the items produced. This control is necessary to maintain the exactness of each part so that the finished assembly will function properly. Each unit has to be inspected carefully to make certain that no flaw finds its way into the final product. This is done in every department. With a flow of perfect parts into the final assemblage, successful functioning is assured.

In the true creation of Mind, which Christian Science reveals, man cannot deviate from perfection. All is under God's control. God, divine Principle, creates perfection, and nothing imperfect exists that can affect His creation. The Preacher says in Ecclesiastes (3:14), "I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it."

In Christian Science we start with perfect Principle, God, and spiritual man, His perfect reflection. In our human experience we sometimes accept erroneous concepts that would deviate us from that perfection. The mistakes or deviations are in the human concept, not in the divine. As the individual learns in Science that he is the reflection of God, he rejects the false, human concept of himself and begins to express harmony in his experience. One must learn the spiritual truths of God and man and put them into practice in order to demonstrate man's reflected perfection.

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