Objection is sometimes raised concerning "paternalistic" trends in government, that people are thereby encouraged to expect something for nothing—a good living and security without paying the price; that this tendency fosters a desire for benefits without sufficient exertion to earn them. This objection is based on the natural law that requires the debit and credit sides of life to be kept in balance and demonstrates that in the long run we have only what we earn.
Christian Science is no exception to the rule. We cannot have its real benefits without earning them. The teachings of this Science, founded as they are upon the words and works of the Master, Christ Jesus, emphasize the same fundamental truths he presented in the parables of the kingdom. He said (Matt. 13:45, 46), "The kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it."
Christian Science cannot be bought with a price less than that of full accord with its stated rules of practice. Many are willing to bid for Christian Science, but fewer are ready to pay the price. This price involves not only spiritual devotion but thoroughness in treatment, by one's uncovering the error and pleading the case in Science for Truth.