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From the June 1957 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As I rode through the snow-covered mountains one spring, it was beautiful, clear, sunshiny weather, with blue skies, and fleecy clouds floating above the mountains. The rivers and streams were flowing full, because a few days before there had been some warm weather and the snow had started to melt. What a delight to the eye were those snow-covered peaks; what beauty in those clear, flowing streams and rivers! Because the mountains gave of their white mantle of snow, rivers flowed, and there was water for the thirsty valleys, the farms, and the gardens.

I was told that only the week before, most of the streams were just trickling along with very little water in them, and now they were rushing torrents of clear, pure water. The snow was held until the time was ripe for its melting; then the water ran into the streams and rivers that the valleys might be refreshed.

And so it is in the valley of human thought: the redemptive mission of Christian Science, flowing from the mountaintop of spiritual inspiration, is needed. The thought thirsting for the clear waters of Truth is not reached until the pure letter of the Word is accompanied by the spirit, the warmth of divine Love. Our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, tells us in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 319), "The divine Science taught in the original language of the Bible came through inspiration, and needs inspiration to be understood."

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