Since my testimony appeared in the Christian Science Sentinel of January 17, 1953, I have enjoyed wonderful health and have not had a day in bed. Also I have had the priceless privilege of class instruction, which has indeed been to me the pearl of great price.
I should like to relate a wonderful experience of divine protection which we experienced during a severe bush fire a few years ago. My husband was burning off some rubbish from the garden, and the fire got too near the dense undergrowth surrounding our property, which borders on many miles of untouched bushland. The fire got out of hand and in a few minutes had spread in all directions.
Helpers came fairly quickly and kept the fire from the various houses in the district. I prayed as we are taught to do in Christian Science. By evening, the wind had blown the fire over a nearby hill, and the fire fighters went home. However, my husband decided to keep watch during the night so that smoldering embers would not start further fires near our property, which consisted of several houses, one of which had only just been completed.