ALL of infinite good is included in the divine Mind and belongs by reflection to God's children forever. Not one iota of this perfect good has ever been lost. It can never be lost under any circumstances, because its substance exists in and of God. In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mary Baker Eddy says (p. 302), "It is impossible that man should lose aught that is real, when God is all and eternally his."
Our work is to see, know, and love good in its spiritual essence. In Christian Science we learn to exchange, progressively, the fragmentary human concepts of good for the wholeness of Mind's ideas. We then find that we have lost nothing, but all has been restored to us by a right understanding of what good really is.
Christ Jesus said (Matt. 18:11), "The Son of man is come to save that which was lost," and he restored purity, health, and life to those who seemed to have lost them. He did this by understanding that true substance never includes material persons, possessions, or conditions, but always divine ideas, dwelling intact in ever-present Mind. He knew that Love's infinite abundance of right ideas is always just at hand and ever available.