Mankind appear to exist in a world where devilish forces constantly threaten their well-being, but students of Christian Science find in the following Scriptural promise a spiritual power that shields them from the presumptuous claims of evil: "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty" (Ps. 91:1). As one becomes acquainted with the teachings of Christian Science, he begins to realize that the protecting power embodied in this passage is not remote, but is found right at hand, within his own spiritualized consciousness.
According to Christ Jesus, God, the Most High, is Spirit. "The secret place," therefore, is purely spiritual. It is the consciousness in which divine Mind, Love, is seen to be supreme. It is the boundless realm of harmony, or the kingdom of heaven, in which man's true being as the expression of God abides forever. This spiritual consciousness is the most sacred of sanctuaries and the most precious of dwellings. The revelation of Christian Science is lighting the way, for those who will, to attain the present realization of this divine heritage.
Material theories of life utterly contradict the fact that man exists in Spirit instead of matter. These theories are often used in an attempt to disprove divinely scientific thought and even to undermine its very foundations. Hence there is a necessity in Christian Science for defending one's spiritual dwelling place.