There are enormous demands being made upon the patience, the love, the ingenuity, the understanding of mankind in these days. Calamity seems to confront men at the very time that the largest opportunities for progress have been made available through the freeing of thought from many of its crippling limitations. Great good and great evil appear to be side by side, and men wonder which will gain and keep the ascendancy.
The progressive Christian Scientist will make no attempt to avoid issues involving world affairs. This is as true for the housewife, the businessman, the student, as it is for the responsible public official. Christian Science provides the proper answers to troublous questions. The earnest Scientist is equipped to convey to others the answers to the extent that he uses what he understands of his religion.
Christ Jesus urged his followers to go into the world, not to avoid it. He wanted them to take part in the redemption of mankind from its troubles, not to live in uninterested detachment from the problems of mankind. And Christian Science repeats the Master's demands.