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Testimonies of Healing

For many years Christian Science has...

From the May 1960 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For many years Christian Science has brought much good into my experience, and I wish to express my deep gratitude for it. It was an indispensable help to me when I was rearing my three children, and it is enabling me to help with the problems of my grandchildren.

When my first daughter was a baby, just learning to walk, we were living in a second-story apartment. One day I stepped out into the front hall just in time to see the baby and the walker in which she sat start down a long flight of steps. Instantly I declared aloud, "It is all right."

I could, with conviction, state such a fact because I had learned in Christian Science that God governs His entire creation, that God is good and not evil, that material evidence is unreal and untrue.

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