CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS are the beneficiaries of a heritage, a living heritage, perpetual, irrevocable. It is the heritage of the reborn, those "born of water and of the Spirit" (John 3). It well-provides identity that is indestructible, being that is continuous, life that is endless.
Included in this heritage is every provision for our completeness, our joy, our usefulness, even the power to think rightly and to act rightly; all of this—and more— being the outpouring of divine Love, our Father-Mother. This heritage is not reserved for the future. It is eternal, and eternity is now.
To qualify for it is to accept the fact of our sonship with God, the one divine Parent; to recognize that we are "heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ" (Rom. 8); to acknowledge the one Life to be our life; to accept Spirit, Soul, as the only substance; to give up a material sense of ourselves and accept the spiritual; in brief, to find our names written in heaven. The belief that we are mortals would disqualify us as beneficiaries and is to be cast out as an enemy, a dispossessor.