WHAT a joy it is for individuals to learn in their study and application of Christian Science that the heavenly kingdom reigns within their true selfhood and that it can never be lost! They find that no matter what their circumstances are or how dark and doubtful their future may seem to be, their spiritual awakening to the facts of real being reveals to them the ever-present good at hand.
Individuals experience restoration of their sense of good, health, and happiness as they come to realize in Christian Science the unreality of mortal existence and the ever-present reality of spiritual being. Then such a promise in the Scriptures as, "I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten" (Joel 2:25), has practical meaning to them.
Christ Jesus said (Matt. 18:11), "The Son of man is come to save that which was lost." Then, speaking particularly of children, he explained God's great love for the pure in heart in these words: "It is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish." The Master proved the efficacy of the healing truth by redeeming from sin and suffering many who sought his help. He knew that one's true being is unfallen, perfect, and upright. He saw the real man as Godlike, and this enabled him to elevate those in need out of their mortal thinking, which was the basis of their sickness and discord.