EVERYONE has the divine right to be free from the drab routine and poverty of mortal existence. Regardless of human opinion to the contrary, man's life springs from God, Spirit, and not from matter. Matter, having nothing to work with but its electrons, neutrons, and protons, cannot create man.
To have a successful, fruitful life, then, involves an awakening to the present truth about one's being. This awakening starts when one begins to credit the truth of the Biblical account of creation as it is recorded in the first chapter of Genesis, "God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him."
Certainly there could be no greater measure of success than to achieve our full stature as the image of God, omnipotent Life and Love, who creates and perpetuates the universe in magnificent order and harmony. This maximum of success is demonstrated progressively through our learning more of the true nature of God and by putting the truth into use in our daily affairs.