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From the June 1960 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE great libraries of the world contain many books dealing with explorers and explorations, with discoverers and discoveries. In this age almost all the earth's surface has been seen or traversed. The human mind is searching for new fields of exploration and for new discoveries. It is bending its efforts toward the realm of the planets and the stars. The children of today converse about outer space as freely as our forefathers speculated about the lands which lay beyond the horizon.

The Holy Bible stands unique in the world of books as a history of mankind's search for and discovery of God, not an unknown God, but one who can be understood and adored. Christ Jesus brought to mankind a knowledge of God as the loving Father of all, a Father who afflicteth not His children.

It was not until Mrs. Eddy discovered Christian Science that the world was given the Science of Christianity, which can be lived daily, yea hourly, and utilized practically to solve all problems of discord, including sin, disease, and death.

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