Mrs. Eddy established each of the Christian Science periodicals and gave to each its name and distinct purpose. In referring to this, she says, "The second I entitled Sentinel, intended to hold guard over Truth, Life, and Love" (The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 353).
The Christian Science Sentinel might be considered the modern counterpart of the cherubims with the flaming sword mentioned in the third chapter of Genesis. The sword guards the way to the understanding of Truth, Life, and Love. It illumines the path so that doubts and fears dissolve as shadows disappear before the light. By stating clearly and helpfully the spiritual facts of being that are necessary in overcoming false mortal beliefs, the Sentinel frees us from false theological beliefs, such as the lie that God made both good and evil, tempted man with evil, and then punished him eternally.
Our beloved Sentinel comes to us as a friend gently directing and admonishing us, presenting helpful illustrations, relating the experiences of others in finding the pathway of Truth, Life, and Love. It tends to make an otherwise seemingly hazardous road smooth and direct.