Through the application of Christian Science I have had remarkable proofs of God's care and goodness. Among the proofs has been the overcoming of sunstroke, a condition which over a period of years had plagued me to such an extent that when I was exposed to a small amount of heat, I would be stricken and unable to perform any kind of light household duties. This made life miserable for me and for those around me. But thanks to God and to Christian Science, that trouble has been entirely healed, and I can now enjoy any kind of summer weather.
I was also healed of gallstones immediately with the help of a practitioner and by my realizing the truth of this statement in Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy (p. 412): "The power of Christian Science and divine Love is omnipotent." The healing took place more than sixteen years ago. Migraine, rheumatism, serious stomach and kidney troubles, influenza, pneumonia, and many other diseases have been overcome.
At one time I was left alone with two children, a boy of eighteen months and a girl of twelve years. Having no place to go and being unable to work, I was forced to live with my parents. They were devoted parents, but were opposed to Christian Science, or to what they thought Christian Science to be. They knew of my need of a healing of serious internal difficulties; so not knowing what else to do, they took me to a hospital for a major operation. The doctors gave them little hope of my recovery, saying it was the worst case ever to come under their observation.