From the age of fifteen I was a magnet for all sorts of inharmony, sickness, and sin. This attraction increased to such an extent that a few years ago things had reached the point where death seemed to me the only way out of my misery. I was a wreck mentally; I had lost all hope and faith in people, and I suffered from attacks of all the fears that one could name.
Then I received aid from a physician who felt that he could help me. I hardly ever took medicine because I had no faith in it. I simply put all my hope in the knowledge of the physician and clung to it as one would cling to a buoy on the heaving ocean. But there was no improvement.
Then I began by myself to search for an answer to my questions about life and man's purpose, and I read everything I could lay my hands on regarding medical science, but to no avail. Next I delved into philosophy and read an enormous amount. But it did not give me real peace either, because there were so many differing opinions. I also went to an orthodox church regularly and tried to find God there, but I did not find what I had hoped for. Then I came upon some books on faith healing, and I was finally led to investigate Christian Science.