Materialism would attempt to entice our young people into ways which are foreign to their spiritually pure thought. But worldliness cannot invade their thought premises if they are adequately protected against the subtle invasion of evil, or animal magnetism. Spiritual discernment, gained through the study of Christian Science, will enable parents to recognize their responsibility and to demonstrate more intelligently and diligently divine protection for their young people at all times.
When the lie of animal magnetism tries to enter our homes and families, we have divine authority to close the door on this peddler of indifference, apathy, and discouragement. God is all-presence and all-power, and God is Mind; therefore there is in reality no evil mind to influence, attack, or invade consciousness. Only the exalting influence of divine Mind reaches man, for man, reflecting God, is eternally coexistent with this Mind and therefore forever at one with Life, Truth, and Love.
In Science and Health, Mrs. Eddy writes these enlightening words (p. 57): "Human affection is not poured forth vainly, even though it meet no return. Love enriches the nature, enlarging, purifying, and elevating it."