"Will a man rob God?" This thought-provoking query from Malachi (3:8) came to the writer as she listened to some comments regarding criminal activity in the community. "No," was her immediate mental response, "'a man' will not 'rob God' because God cannot be robbed." She realized that her mental protest was based on a passage from Miscellany by Mrs. Eddy, which reads (p. 5), "Wholly apart from this mortal dream, this illusion and delusion of sense, Christian Science comes to reveal man as God's image, His idea, coexistent with Him—God giving all and man having all that God gives."
The scientific fact that spiritual man reflects Mind's munificence precludes the existence of what appears to be a thieving mortal. Man as God's reflection already partakes of the infinitude of God's abundance; hence he has neither the necessity nor the motive to rob God or his fellow man.
Since man, God's idea, manifests the amplitude of Soul, how can we account for the individual who seems to be in need of money, food, goods, and so forth? To this question Christian Science replies that such a picture is a false view of man, simply an illusion held by mortal mind, wherein man is erroneously depicted as a mortal being, separated from God and dependent upon materiality to supply his needs. Scientific acknowledgment of the spiritual fact that man in God's likeness knows no lack acts as law in human experience, supplying mankind with all that is necessary for their well-being.