Christian Science reveals that regardless of appearances there is nothing unlike God. All that really exists is included in the divine Mind and its reflection of spiritual ideas. True being is found in the allness of Spirit. As this divine view of reality is understood and utilized, the material sense of things is corrected.
It thus becomes of vital importance to each individual, when seeking the solution of any human problem confronting him, to recognize that the way he consents to think determines the way he lives. Any discordant condition must first be thought. In Proverbs (23:7) we read of a man, "As he thinketh in his heart, so is he." However, merely to put existence into the mental realm and leave it there might suggest both a good and a bad aspect of being or a belief in minds many.
Job saw the falsity of this position when he declared of the Almighty, "He is in one mind, and who can turn him?" (23:13.) Mrs. Eddy makes this illuminating statement in "Retrospection and Introspection" (p. 56): "All consciousness is Mind, and Mind is God. Hence there is but one Mind; and that one is the infinite good, supplying all Mind by the reflection, not the subdivision, of God."