All Christendom believes in a definite, individual God. Christ Jesus addressed God as Father and taught men to pray to Him as to a loving Parent. All that the Master taught and lived showed his sense of responsibility to a Father who demands perfection of thought and action of His sons. Jesus fulfilled this demand. He revealed the eternal relationship of Father and Son, inseparable as cause and effect, Love and its reflection. In this way he proved that man, God's image, is as definite and individual as God.
This eternal relationship is spiritually scientific. It underlies the teachings of Christian Science. It takes away any sense of vagueness about the character of Deity, and it precludes the possibility of one's ever losing his identity or of being absorbed into the parent Mind. Mary Baker Eddy says in "No and Yes" (pp. 23, 24), "God is All in all; but He is definite and individual, the omnipresent and omniscient Mind; and man's individuality is God's own image and likeness,—even the immeasurable idea of divine Mind."
It is vastly important for humanity to understand the definiteness and individuality of both God and man. For when one acknowledges God as one individual Being, conscious of each idea included in His creation, one feels the love of the Father and comes into the radius of that love. And when one knows himself as God's definite and individual child, he brings to light the particular expression of intelligence, capacity, and ability that characterizes him as the image of the definite, individual God. A sense of purpose and direction permeates his thought.