When the sun's rays at break of day spread across the sky, the sunrise seems to the watcher like the birth of something new. Later, when the setting sun fills the sky with gold and crimson, which soon fade away, the sunset seems like an end to that which was so newly born. But is this really so? No, for sunrise, sunset, sunrise again, are just the appearing, disappearing, and reappearing of the same sun.
Christian Science affirms a similar truth of the real man, whose preexistent selfhood is the expression of Soul, God, without beginning or end, birth or death, sunrise or sunset. He is conceived of eternally by divine Mind as its own immaculate and complete idea, as God's beloved expression of Himself.
How far removed is this spiritual conception from the false human concept of man as a mortal, subject to birth or beginning and ultimating in death or oblivion! Which view of man are we to accept as correct?