Every student of Christian Science has undoubtedly, at one time or another, found himself face to face with what appears to be opposition or resistance to Truth, God. He hears it said that a certain individual is not receptive to Truth or that a certain condition of affairs is better left alone. Viewed from the standpoint of sense testimony, the foregoing may seem to be logical and sound conclusions.
However, the truly progressive Christian Scientist cannot remain in the shallows of conservative belief but must venture forth into the depths of spiritual understanding. Here the inspiration of absolute Truth shows forth the forever fact that in the realm of infinite Spirit, which constitutes the actual and only, there is no resistance to Truth. What appears humanly as resistance is neither person, place, nor thing but is merely the subjective belief that a power or presence exists apart from God.
No matter how formidable the suggestion of resistance or opposition may seem to be, it is our divine right to deny such imposition and to know that all true being is in complete accord with resistless Truth. In order to arrive at this point of conviction, we must understand clearly that absolute Truth is not abstract. We must recognize and know that to entertain spiritual ideas is not wishful thinking but is tangible reality. We demonstrate what we understand, and we must understand that the kingdom of heaven encompasses and includes all.