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From the November 1964 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mankind long for stability, but in the main they just do not know where or how to find it. Because stability originates in God, divine Principle, this desirable quality can be attained only as the human heart turns its search Godward and ceases looking to matter for what it does not possess and therefore cannot impart.

Of great assurance to humanity are the following words of Mrs. Eddy in Miscellany (p. 292): "The spirit of the prayer of the righteous heals the sick, but this spirit is of God, and the divine Mind is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever; whereas the human mind is a compound of faith and doubt, of fear and hope, of faith in truth and faith in error."

It is to the so-called human mind that the saving mission of Christian Science is addressed; and because this Science is based on divine Principle, God, it is utterly dependable and can be utilized under all circumstances to liberate mankind from the inharmonies arising from the acceptance of the claims of the destructive carnal mind. Despite its claims, however, this spurious mind is not a lawmaker, although it may seem to operate as power or law in the experience of the unenlightened human consciousness ignorant of the fact that the only real lawmaker is God Himself.

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