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From the November 1964 issue of The Christian Science Journal

As understood in Christian Science, the word Life is a synonym for God. Life, as God, is what He makes it, because the divine Being is self-created, self-determined, and eternally self-expressed. Individual man has life only as it is derived from the Supreme Being, the indivisible, infinite God.

With this concept of spiritual reality established in thought, one is able to bring the truth which it states to bear upon the problems of human experience, in which life often appears to be something quite unlike that which an infinitely good creator would bring forth. The process of relating spiritual truth to human conditions is the method of treatment employed in Christian Science, and it is effective in correcting adverse conditions, whatever they may appear to be.

The reason for its effectiveness is the fact discerned by Mary Baker Eddy in her discovery of Christian Science that all human conditions are subjective in nature. She writes in the Christian Science textbook,"Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 114),"Science shows that what is termed matter is but the subjective state of what is termed by the author mortal mind."

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