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From the November 1964 issue of The Christian Science Journal

While perusing a copy of the daily press a student of Christian Science began to read what appeared to be an ordinary newspaper article, only to discover that he was actually reading an advertisement for an automatic dishwashing machine. This ingeniously disguised advertisement bore the improbable title, "Where do your dreams go when you have woken up?"

The query prompted a line of thought as follows: whether or not we are Christian Scientists, we know the answer to this question. Our dreams do not go anywhere, for they have no source, no creator. But one unacquainted with Christian Science would be quite startled by the question, "Where does the dream of sickness go, when we awake to the fact that man is the image and likeness of the infinite God, good?" Yet the answer, as Christian Science makes clear, is the same; it does not go anywhere for it has no source, no creator.

It will be seen that this is a perfectly logical, demonstrable, and inescapable conclusion when the Bible is studied in the light thrown upon it by Mrs. Eddy in Science and Health.

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