MENTAL influences determine our experience. When our thinking is governed by God, infinite Mind, we reflect His unlimited intelligence: we are awake to righteousness, we are spiritually productive, and we are joyful witnesses to the Science of Christ. But when we allow ourselves to be influenced erroneously, that is, when we are taken in by evil suggestions, we become spiritually unproductive. In Science and Health, our Leader writes (pp. 82, 83), "In a world of sin and sensuality hastening to a greater development of power, it is wise earnestly to consider whether it is the human mind or the divine Mind which is influencing one."
Christian Science unmasks the evil in human thought that must be uprooted and destroyed if we would progress Spiritward. This Science also brings to light the spiritual good in human consciousness. The teachings of this religion make clear that spiritual sense must be the predominant force in human thought if one would succeed in demonstrating God-given dominion over material limitations.
The human consciousness that is illuminated by spiritual sense is a potent force for good. Our greatest asset is our capacity to understand and prove the Christ-power, which Science reveals. Because the human mind expresses either good or evil, we must be diligent in maintaining constant progress toward spiritualizing our thoughts; those we choose determine our course of action. Spiritual thoughts impel good works. Carnal suggestions, when accepted as one's own thinking, lead to a state of spiritual dormancy, to failure, sin, disease, and death. Paul wrote (Rom. 8:6), "To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace."