EVERYONE has some spark of talent, but few believe that they have an opportunity to develop that spark into a truly satisfying expression of individuality. Too many hold jobs that give them the human comforts, a sense of status and security, but long to be doing something else.
Hobbies and social activities may help to brighten one's life, but too often the problem of self-expression in one's primary occupation remains unsolved. Daily boredom in varying degrees becomes an accepted fact. Why should one not find every activity of his life a challenge bright with demands upon his talents?
Man, made in the image of God, is joyously alive. God, limitless Mind, is his Soul and his Life. The suggestion that one should expect to be bored with his daily work is an offspring of the belief that man is evolved from matter. In this belief each individual has his own mind, and material conditions and material personalities influence and govern his state of mind. But this belief is a lie. There is only one Mind.