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From the May 1964 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The Bible records Christ Jesus' attendance in the temple at the age of twelve years. His understanding and answers astonished those distinguished men with whom he talked. Mary and Joseph searched for him for three days; then "they found him in the temple" (Luke 2:46) and inquired why he had worried them by tarrying behind. In all sincerity he reminded them, "I must be about my Father's business."

Jesus' early appearance in the temple was important to him, for it aided his spiritual advancement. The temple was the gathering place of learned men. It was a place where he could grow in spiritual understanding. Was not his attendance in the temple the beginning of the groundwork of the Master's church? Luke writes that after this visit, "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man" (2:52).

How are our "wisdom and stature" and "favour with God and man" to improve? A sure avenue for our spiritual growth is active membership in a Church of Christ, Scientist.

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