To understand that harmony is an actuality is one of the greatest blessings that could come to anyone. One day, in the face of what seemed to be a very inharmonious situation, the writer proved the actuality of harmony. While shopping in a strange city, and in the midst of the turmoil of many shoppers, she was seized with a violent pain. Many aggressive suggestions came to her thought, adding to the fear which gripped her. She reached out for some statement of truth to still her fear. This passage from the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, came to her thought and helped her (p. 412:) "Mentally insist that harmony is the fact, and that sickness is a temporal dream. Realize the presence of health and the fact of harmonious being, until the body corresponds with the normal conditions of health and harmony."
One might ask, "Was just a repetition of these words of help to her?" Certainly not. It was the understanding they brought that man is spiritual and that health and harmony are natural results of that recognition. Her complete healing was not instantaneous, but it came within the hour, after she had insistently declared "the fact of harmonious being." Christian Scientists have learned the way to heaven, harmony, through the study of Christian Science.
In the first chapter of Genesis, the Bible tells us that man is the image and likeness of God and that God saw His creation as very good. Obviously, inharmony is not good; so it cannot be true. A good God would not and could not create anything that is not good; therefore it never was created and is not real.