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From the May 1964 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The attractive, unifying power of God is universally present. Ever in active operation, it is influencing men and elevating them above the earthly sense of being into the consciousness of the divine. Through Christ, Truth, Jesus demonstrated this divine influence, or true attraction. He declared of it (John 12: 32), "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me."

The understanding of true attraction enabled Jesus to manifest the sustaining forces of Spirit, not only for himself, but for the multitudes that were drawn to God through him. He utilized these forces, not in a supernatural way, but as the natural evidence to the people of God's power and attraction.

Today, through the enlightenment of divine Science, the attractive, all-embracing power of divine Mind is again being utilized by many people in the minutiae of daily living; it is lifting human consciousness above the mundane, or material, into the actual and eternal. Mrs. Eddy states in Science and Health (p. 102:) "There is but one real attraction, that of Spirit. The pointing of the needle to the pole symbolizes this all-embracing power or the attraction of God, divine Mind."

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