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Testimonies of Healing

So many blessings have come to me...

From the August 1964 issue of The Christian Science Journal

So many blessings have come to me through the study and application of Christian Science that I hardly know where or how to begin to express my deep and abiding gratitude. This overflowing gratitude is, of itself, one of the greatest blessings of my life.

I had always looked forward to being a teacher in the public schools because of my great love for children. When at long last I launched on that career I found it even more fascinating than I had anticipated. I began to understand what Jesus, the greatest of teachers, meant when he said of little children (Mark 10:14), "Of such is the kingdom of God."

But soon it became apparent that I did not have the physical energy to carry on. Besides suffering much pain, I was often overcome by such utter exhaustion that I fainted. I tried various kinds of treatment and took quantities of strong medicine in my determination to get well. With each change of treatment I seized eagerly upon the hope of recovery. The doctors were kind, but all their efforts, and mine, seemed futile. I was told that I must give up my cherished work. I was suffering from a kidney condition and a lung difficulty.

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