I shall always remember with joy and gratitude my first reading of the textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. That took place about nine years ago, and in consequence of the awakening which came when I learned more of God and of man, His spiritual idea, many healings have been experienced.
From childhood I had attended an orthodox church, and I had been an active member for many years. I loved to hear and read of the healings performed by Christ Jesus, but they seemed very far removed from everyday life. I used to pray to be more like him but never thought that one day I should no longer regard his works as miracles but as natural demonstrations of the laws of God, which he understood.
I had a medicine cupboard stocked with remedies, and as far back as I could remember I had not been free from illness. After an X-ray examination by a heart specialist, I had been told that I must give up my church activities and do very little work of any description if I wished to live a normal span of life. Since my husband and I had a business, and it was necessary for us to share the work, the situation appeared to be hopeless.