It wasn't until after I became a student of Christian Science that I realized why I was instantaneously healed of a painful nervous condition. I was in the office when this attack came on, and I didn't know where to turn.
The thought came to me to call an aunt who always expressed so much love and joy that I knew it would help just to hear her voice. I found myself telling her of my problem and agreeing with what she said, although I didn't understand it. When I put the telephone down, I was free. She, being a Christian Scientist, simply expressed the truth, and my need was met. This was over eleven years ago, and this problem has never returned.
I mention this because I should like to express my gratitude for the firsts in families who become students of Christian Science, living it as they wait patiently for their loved ones to be receptive. How grateful I am that I followed the recommendation of my mother to attend a Christian Science Sunday service! I could soon see that this movement was what I wanted to join and support, for it provided the answers to my questions regarding God and man.