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Testimonies of Healing

[Original in German]

Before I found the way in Christian Science...

From the March 1967 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Before I found the way in Christian Science sixteen years ago, I had been very ill, had had to be operated on often, and therefore felt uncertain and insecure. To all this were added recurring periods in which I had to lie in bed in great pain, almost incapable of motion, because, as the result of a fall from a horse, I had incurred a slight fracture of the pelvis and crushed vertebrae. During the first few days of each of these attacks I could walk only with the help of crutches, and I was always in anguish for fear of another attack of pain. This situation lasted for about two years.

One day when I was feeling better than usual, I went to visit my mother, who I knew had become an adherent of Christian Science. One Wednesday evening, to please her, I went with her to the testimony meeting in a branch church. What penetrated my consciousness through the readings and the testimonies was overwhelming. To me it was as if I had entered another land—the land of freedom, love, and safety. I knew immediately that I had found what I had always longed for. A great happiness and feeling of tranquillity came over me. The next day, after a long talk with a practitioner, I went home joyfully with Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy. The words (I John 4:16), "God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him," filled my being with gratitude. Furthermore, the same week I found a group of Christian Scientists in my city. I regularly attended Christian Science services from then on and withdrew from my former church affiliation that year. I soon noticed that the pain and suffering were not returning.

However, I had to undergo still another severe experience. One day, using my healing as an illustration, I was explaining Christian Science and its effect on the body to a dear person who had become interested in this religion. To emphasize this healing, I related the illness in detail, with the result that this mortal picture was once more projected on my body, and I was ill again.

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