Christian Science is far more than just a religious denomination, which happened to be established in Boston in 1879. A careful study of the writings of Mrs. Eddy and of the authentic biographies of this great woman indicates that originally she did not think of Christian Science in a denominational sense.
She thought of herself as the Discoverer, in 1866, of the Science that constituted the core of Christ Jesus' unprecedented healing career. Referring to Christian Science, she declares: "Science is absolute and final. It is revolutionary in its very nature; for it upsets all that is not upright." 1 She clearly saw Science as absolute divine law, ever available to free human experience progressively from all limitations. In "Rudimental Divine Science" she answers the question "How would you define Christian Science?" in these words: "As the law of God, the law of good, interpreting and demonstrating the divine Principle and rule of universal harmony." 2
For nine years following 1866, under divine guidance she searched the Bible to comprehend her discovery further, tested it through extensive spiritual healing, taught her first pupils the Science of this healing, and in 1875 published a complete basic explanation of her revolutionary findings under the title, "Science and Health." Although she revised the book for greater clarity and for more effectiveness as an instrument for self-instruction in Christian Science and eventually added the Key to the Scriptures, she at no time altered the original character of the discovery.