I shall always be grateful to the friend who introduced me to Christian Science. At a time when I had reached a particularly low point in my human experience, I remembered that this friend's life had been remarkably changed for the better since she had begun the study of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy.
I wrote her, and she sent me an encouraging letter and a copy of the Christian Science Sentinel. Later she sent me a copy of the Quarterly and a copy of the textbook, and I began to study. In my ignorance I thought that now, immediately, all would be well, not considering the implication of Jesus' words (John 8:31, 32), "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
However, I have found this truth to be always ready and available; and when I have been willing to accept it and utilize it, it has brought the freedom from error which Jesus promised. I have been healed of a weakness which caused me to walk on the side of my foot, quinsy, influenza, food poisoning, and sprained ligaments in the shoulder. Much negative thinking has had to be dislodged and replaced with faith in good and the expectation of good. I can now say that I am grateful for every experience that lessens my dependence on matter and mortal opinions and turns me to God for help.