Universal peace. Can it ever be attained on this planet, in this age? Or is it a state capable of being attained only hereafter in another world? To the truly Christian thinker everywhere there can be no slightest doubt that the goal of universal peace not only is attainable here but that Christ Jesus, the Prince of Peace, has clearly charted the way. It is a question, not of when or where, but of how. And the Master gave the complete answer to this perplexing question.
As Christendom again reverently observes the resurrection of Christ Jesus, we may well probe these questions: What can we learn about reliable peacemaking and enduring peace-keeping for the individual and the world from Christ Jesus' striking victory over death and the grave? What actually is its relevance to the struggle for universal peace?
Christ Jesus' first words to his disciples after the resurrection were: "Peace be unto you."!John 20:19; This usual greeting now took on a deep significance. The Master had found his peace, as he knew they could find theirs, midst the deepest trouble, under the most extreme circumstances. He had found his peace precisely where conflict and discord appeared to dominate, but did not; he had found it in everywhere-present Spirit, God.