Over thirty years ago a friend presented Christian Science to me; she saw that I had need of a healing method other than that which the medical profession had been able to give me all my life; she advised me to try this religion with its healing power.
I was a resident of Boston, Massachusetts, at that time, and my first attendance at a Christian Science service was in The Mother Church. I shall never forget the deeply religious experience that first service afforded me, for I had found what I had been seeking all my adult life. The experience completely altered my way of life and my habits of thought.
At this time I was a chain smoker, a very sickly and unhappy woman. Furthermore, I was living thousands of miles away from my family, home, and friends, a situation I had never been in previously. I was subject to frequent and severe attacks of migraine (which had plagued me for many years), to homesickness, and to financial lack.