Since early youth, I had analyzed religion and enjoyed each conclusion which glorified God. In 1925 I was in a hospital, and the physicians in attendance told me that I would never be able to practice my profession again. I was desperate at that time and asked God to give me a sign. The next day a friend who had relatives in Berlin brought me a copy of The Herald of Christian Science. I read it from beginning to end, and I knew that I had found the truth.
When I was dismissed from the hospital, I wrote to a Christian Science practitioner whose name I found in the Herald and asked for help. The first treatment I had in Christian Science was unforgettable. A great joy filled my heart. Melancholy gave way, and I found a happy outlook again. I bought the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, as well as the Christian Science Quarterly, and studied the Lesson-Sermon.
From childhood I had been used to medicine, but I threw this all away and depended on the spiritual truths which are found in the Bible and the textbook. The practitioner encouraged love for and obedience to the Manual of The Mother Church by Mrs. Eddy, for which I shall always be thankful. I returned to my work and was successful and active in it for many years.