I shall always be grateful for the friend who introduced me to Christian Science more than thirty years ago. It was during the depression years, and a remark of hers greatly intrigued me. She said, "There must be something wrong in our thinking for my husband to be out of work for so long."
I knew that this friend was a Christian Scientist and that Christian Scientists healed by spiritual means. But how, I wondered, could anyone's thinking cause or overcome such a thing as unemployment?
The upshot was that I took up the study of Christian Science and found it logical in every respect. Mrs. Eddy writes (Science and Health, p. 428), "We must realize the ability of mental might to offset human misconceptions and to replace them with the life which is spiritual, not material." Since I have turned to Christian Science, I have been discovering to an ever-increasing degree "the ability of mental might to offset human misconceptions."