A thing is relevant if it pertains to the situation at hand. And the one thing that is most relevant to humanity today is the truth that man in divine Science is the spiritual idea of the one Mind, God. If the light of this truth shines through the activities of a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, those in its community who feel a need for something more substantial than matter-based living will come. And what they find will pertain to their needs and meet them.
The light of scientific truth shines through when the members of a church express the humility needed in order to understand the times. It should be acknowledged that mankind has a growing recognition of the immensity of Truth. And to one who is becoming conscious of the immensity of Truth it seems incredible that anyone could have all the answers. If the approach of the church to mankind today is to be effective, the members of the church must respect mankind's expanding view. Any smugness or sense of superiority in the church results in an institution out of touch with today's humanity. In the face of Truth's immensity, all are beginners.
A recognition of this fact brings to human hearts a genuine childlikeness, and this lifts up in human consciousness the true idea of God, which we name the Christ and in which is found everyone's true selfhood. Putting off self-righteousness overcomes the human, or personal, sense. Then the Christ stands out as the one power capable of attracting and influencing human thought.