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Testimonies of Healing

Mrs. Eddy tells us that "Christian Science...

From the November 1969 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Mrs. Eddy tells us that "Christian Science is always the most skilful surgeon, but surgery is the branch of its healing which will be last acknowledged" (Science and Health, p. 402).

Throughout the years that I have been a student of Christian Science I have relied solely upon its teaching for healing. I have always acknowledged as true the statement in the previous paragraph that Christian Science is "the most skilful surgeon." It is with much gratitude to God that I testify to His ever-present power that supported, sustained, and healed me during a recent experience.

One Saturday at noon I left my office, where I am established in the public practice of Christian Science, to pursue a business matter. My attention was diverted momentarily as I watched the delightful antics of a small child with his parents. Unknowingly I stepped from a curb and lost my balance. I fell heavily on my right hip.

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