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Individual Revelation

From the November 1969 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Revelation is God's disclosure of Himself, or of His will, to men. It is spiritual understanding coming to each receptive person individually and in proportion to his receptivity. Christ Jesus and his faithful follower, Mrs. Eddy, had outstanding experiences along this line, while some individuals profess to have had none.

In simple terms, how do we recognize revelation? Mrs. Eddy, who received the message of Christian Science, writes in the textbook, Science and Health, "In divine revelation, material and corporeal selfhood disappear, and the spiritual idea is understood."1 Material existence is seen as a mere dream, and this dream is replaced by a realization that men and women as known in Science are immortal children of God, their only real Parent. Revelation involves a further realization that God is the creator of everything and that all His creation is good and is His way of expressing Himself.

This is the revelation that, through the study of Christian Science, now comes to individuals with increasing clarity and acceptance. It demonstrates the perpetual unfoldment of Principle, God, that continues through all eternity, an unfoldment that will never end, since Mind, or God, is infinite.

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